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First Impressions of Audeze CRBN From Spritzer

by Makiah Shenay September 17, 2021

First Impressions of Audeze CRBN From Spritzer

Spritzer of Head-Fi and Head-Case has posted his initial impressions of the new Audeze CRBN electrostatic headphone, and they are surprisingly positive. We say surprisingly as Spritzer (real name Birgir) is known to be very hard to please.

He says..

"[Audeze CRBN is] what the Sennheiser HE90 could have been but never managed to do. The CRBN has that same ethereal, diffused quality but with far more midbass and bass presence. They are not the bass monsters which the [Stax] 007's can be but there is enough there and they are not bright or forward sounding at all."

He is also impressed with the build quality and attention to detail Audeze put into this top of the line electrostatic headphone!

Read Spritzer's full thoughts and others here on Head-Case.org.

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